• Istanbul/Turkey
  • Mon - Fri: 10am to 7pm
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Want to Study in Turkey

Here is what you need to know

  • Quality Education

    Turkish higher education system has developed significantly in the last few decades in terms of both quality and quantity. Turkish universities now offer a rich field of choices for international students.

  • An International Validity

    Turkey is part of the Bologna Process since 2001 and also a member of many different international platforms. What this means is that first all students can continue their education in other countries with ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) and second them can get their diplomas recognized by other countries as well.

  • Economic Education

    The cost of study and living will be your other consideration in your study abroad decision. Compared to other international student destinations, Turkey offers significantly lower annual tuition fees and much lower living expenses.

  • A Friendly Environment

    Turkey offers a variety of cultural experiences for international students. Bringing together different cultures, religions, people, lifestyles and definitely different cuisines, with its unique location, Turkey has served as a gate to Western World for Eastern cultures and to Eastern World for Western societies.

  • Multicultural Society

    East and the West its landmass straddling both Europe and Asia. With close proximity to Africa too, it is a cultural melting pot where people of all cultures and faith can feel at home.